Career SupportRikkyo University’s Law and Politics
Career Support in the Changing Society

Students are going out into a society where people are living to the age of 100. One's career path is not likely a linear path that once was the norm from education to work to retirement. It is more likely that one switches back and forth between work and education in his/her flexible multi-stage life structure that involves multiple locations and a wide range of activities. We also live in an age of revolutionary technological advances that are accelerating changes to our economic system and industrial structure, which makes it even more difficult to imagine the future (e.g., a VUCA environment).
Another change we have to adapt to is the difficulty of face-to-face communication due to the impact of COVID-19, which spread around the world in 2020. While expression via nonverbal communication has become more difficult — including facial expressions, gesturing, and other physical actions, as well as tone of voice and clothing — verbal communication using words has taken on greater emphasis in today’s world.
However, no matter what age we live in, it is vital for one to possess humanity and basic proficiencies, such as knowledge and skills, logical and analytical thinking, and communication skills.
The College of Law and Politics provides a high-level of specialized education in law and political science in order to train individuals well in any times and societies they live in. We also aim to foster proactive thinking skills to enable our students to study throughout their lives even if the future is hard to predict. We therefore provide high-quality career support to enable each and every student to make full use of their unique character and strengths.
Another change we have to adapt to is the difficulty of face-to-face communication due to the impact of COVID-19, which spread around the world in 2020. While expression via nonverbal communication has become more difficult — including facial expressions, gesturing, and other physical actions, as well as tone of voice and clothing — verbal communication using words has taken on greater emphasis in today’s world.
However, no matter what age we live in, it is vital for one to possess humanity and basic proficiencies, such as knowledge and skills, logical and analytical thinking, and communication skills.
The College of Law and Politics provides a high-level of specialized education in law and political science in order to train individuals well in any times and societies they live in. We also aim to foster proactive thinking skills to enable our students to study throughout their lives even if the future is hard to predict. We therefore provide high-quality career support to enable each and every student to make full use of their unique character and strengths.
Attentive Career Support
Beside becoming legal professionals, students who graduate from the College of Law and Politics go into a wide range of occupations that include working at private companies or as civil servants. The College provides attentive career support and pragmatic training for st udents to adapt to a range of career paths and broaden their career opportunities in the changing society. Such career support can be provided as part of our curriculum or as extracurricular activities.
Courses in the Curriculum (offered in Japanese only)

In the first year of study, a small-sized seminar is held for st udents to learn to proactively solve problems companies face. The seminar is called the Future Skills Project (FSP). The Gateway to Law and Politics is a course that cultivate students' interest in society and career opportunities.
This course covers various industries. For instance, a session on "the Business and Media" brings current social issues to students' attention as preparation for transitio ning into the business world and becoming responsible members of society. A session on "the Introduction to Public Service" provides a wide range of information to students who have an interest in the public sector. The course also has sessions for those who wish to become legal professionals and other law- related professions. Designing this way, the course accommodates various interests students have.
In the second year of study, a course named Career Planning Formation brings in graduates of the College of Law and Politics as guest s to talk to students about their careers and give students a chance to c onsider possible futures for themselves. In the second and third years, a course named Career Design/Internship Study allows students to look ahead at possible career paths so that students can continue their studi es with clearer purposes. In the course, students also learn Communicat ions to understand themselves and build relationships. Internship oppor tunities further motivate students to study and take a deeper interest in their place in society.
This course covers various industries. For instance, a session on "the Business and Media" brings current social issues to students' attention as preparation for transitio ning into the business world and becoming responsible members of society. A session on "the Introduction to Public Service" provides a wide range of information to students who have an interest in the public sector. The course also has sessions for those who wish to become legal professionals and other law- related professions. Designing this way, the course accommodates various interests students have.
In the second year of study, a course named Career Planning Formation brings in graduates of the College of Law and Politics as guest s to talk to students about their careers and give students a chance to c onsider possible futures for themselves. In the second and third years, a course named Career Design/Internship Study allows students to look ahead at possible career paths so that students can continue their studi es with clearer purposes. In the course, students also learn Communicat ions to understand themselves and build relationships. Internship oppor tunities further motivate students to study and take a deeper interest in their place in society.
Student-Initiated Career Support and Planning
the university and getting students to participate in it.
However, at Rikkyo College of Law and Politics, students themselves take the helm and raise their own career awareness by planning and making proposals. The seminars called the Job Café and Shukatsu Café are those where students themselves invite people in industries students are interested in as guest lecturers, and learn about the industries and career opportunities.
Job Café is a student-initiated seminar where students invite Rikkyo University alumni who work in various fields as guest lecturers. In c ontrast, S hukatsu Café is a seminar run by fourth-year students who themselves are searching for jobs. Forth-year students share information and their journey to find the jobs they want with their juniors.
Both of the seminars are conducted in small roundtable discussions, which offers rare opportunities to obtain valuable information. (For more details about the seminars, see our Facebook page,“ Rikkyo University College of Law and Politics career support.”)
However, at Rikkyo College of Law and Politics, students themselves take the helm and raise their own career awareness by planning and making proposals. The seminars called the Job Café and Shukatsu Café are those where students themselves invite people in industries students are interested in as guest lecturers, and learn about the industries and career opportunities.
Job Café is a student-initiated seminar where students invite Rikkyo University alumni who work in various fields as guest lecturers. In c ontrast, S hukatsu Café is a seminar run by fourth-year students who themselves are searching for jobs. Forth-year students share information and their journey to find the jobs they want with their juniors.
Both of the seminars are conducted in small roundtable discussions, which offers rare opportunities to obtain valuable information. (For more details about the seminars, see our Facebook page,“ Rikkyo University College of Law and Politics career support.”)